Author: Noor Ul Islam

THE SWEETNESS OF IMAAN. Date: Sunday 28th November 2021 Time: After Esha Salaah (6.30pm) The sweetness of Imaan (faith) is that presence of...

Following on from the success of our last collection campaign with Human Appeal, we invite you to donate good quality...

We are excited to announce the start of our Monthly Youth Programme. Especially aimed at boys and young men, come...

Weekly talks are back, every Sunday after Asr.Sisters can listen in via the receiver (Frequency 454.17500) or online via the...

Additional Jummah Throughout the month of August we will be arranging a third Jummu'ah prayer, each Friday. This will be open...

The Excellence Of Dhul Hijjah Imam Ebrahim Surti tells us that the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah are so sacred...